
The Pavilion and Green

The Great Shelford Bowling Club was founded in 1920. 
Our current membership consists of about 28 men and 16 women of mixed ability from beginners to County players.
We can be found on the Recreation Ground on Woolards Lane, behind the Tennis Club.Car parking is available in the Memorial Hall car park.

The Ladies Section of the Bowls Club was formed in 1973 and ran separately from the Men's Section with their own commitee and A.G.M.
It was not until 1990 that both sections of the Club combined to form the mixed club that we have today.

The original Pavilion was found to be too small and in 1979  was extended and a verandah added by our members.
The new Pavilion was officially opened the following year, our 60th anniversarry.

The club has a busy fixture programme with  five matches most weeks.
We play in five leagues,three mixed triples and a mens triples in the evenings. Also a mixed triples league with matches played on Wednesday afternoons. There are usually about ten friendly matches arranged during the season. 
The ladies take part in County competitions and
have been very successful in these.
Club competions take place throughout the season with the Finals Weekend in early September.
Friday evenings are club nights when we have roll ups and anyone can come along, meet the members and have a go.

Presidents Day 2006
CC Mens Triples Finals 2009
C&D  Winners Mens Pairs Finals 2010
President's Day 2007
Winners of C&D Lacon Cup 2010
Sundowner at Potters
